44 Clinton Street, Greenville, PA  16125 | Phone: (724) 588-4340 | After-hours Emergency: (724) 815-1518

Billing & Payment Information

All customers are billed on a monthly billing cycle. Water bills are based on usage. Bills are mailed the last working day of each month and are due on the 20th of the next month. Any account carrying a prior balance on the 5th of the following month will incur a late charge of $10.00 and will receive a certificate of mailing with the delinquent notice allowing the customer 10 days to pay the balance or the service will be disconnected. You may view and pay your bill online by clicking on the link below. An online payment made past the due date may result in the payment not being applied until the next billing cycle. Penalties may apply!

Delivery and Payment of Bills
The Authority may mail or deliver the bills and notices to both the owner and, where applicable, to the tenant, at the address given in the application and service contract and the Authority shall not be otherwise responsible for the delivery thereof. If payment of a bill for service is made by mail for the purpose of determining the time of payment, it shall be determined to have been made on the date received in the office. Bills are payable in person at: The Authority Office, Pay by Phone 1-724-995-6890, Online or by mail: 44 Clinton Street, Greenville PA 16125