44 Clinton Street, Greenville, PA 16125 | Phone: (724) 588-4340 | After-hours Emergency: (724) 815-1518
New Service Connection
If you reside in GMWA’s service area and do not already have water service, you may be able to tap-in. Some benefits of receiving public water service include:
Constant water pressure
Uninterrupted water service when the power goes out
No need to replace well pumps
No need to install and maintain water softeners or treatment equipment
Consistent water quality
Have you had your water tested? Our water is continuously tested and monitored. It meets or exceeds all state and federal standards
Some lending institutions prefer to offer mortgages to customers with city water
If you are interested in a new service connection or just want more information give us a call. We can help you determine if a new service is feasible. Tap-in fees and cost apply to all new services.